Pressurised systems inspections

Fully Insured and Qualified Engineers

About us

We provide plant safety testing and engineering inspections all over the United Kingdom. UC Inspections LTD's expert services will ensure that your machinery and equipment are safe to operate and comply with statutory regulations. When you choose UC, you’ll get a dedicated team of qualified engineers who will provide you with a top quality service at a time that is most convenient to your business. After completion of our inspection, you will be provided with a copy of all reports from our testing services and your business will be added to our inspection notification programme so you will know when your next inspection is due.

We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service in order to guarantee that all of our clients are safe withing the workplace. Under the Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 (PER) and the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR).

PSSR 2000


PSSR, or the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations of 2000, are legislative requirements which apply to businesses and organisations which operate pressure systems, or machinery which functions using a relevant fluid. The definition of a ‘relevant fluid’ includes steam and compressed air, as well as gasses and mixtures of gasses, and liquid that would convert into gas upon system malfunction.

Steam-pressurised systems carry a large amount of risk if not properly maintained. This is particularly due to the amount of stored energy that they hold. Malfunctioning pressure systems can cause damage to a business premises and cause harm to employees. Hazards include pressurised explosions, burns from contact with liquids or steam, and fires from escaped flammables. PSSR examinations are necessary to keep pressurised systems in safe working order. A properly conducted written scheme of examination is required for a pressure system to be legally operated.

Some of the pressure systems that are subject to PSSR regulations include:

  • Boilers over 100°C.
  • Pipework subject to the various size and pressure spec’s laid down in the regulation
  • Large pressure cookers.
  • Steam sterilisers.
  • Pressurisation units
  • Heat exchangers and refrigeration plant
  • Compressed Air Systems (fixed and mobile)
  • Gas storage vessels



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